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Things to Look for When Picking an Emergency Dentist

Dental emergencies are like uninvited guests. You can have a severe tooth pain after having a sip of cola or your kid may come home with a broken tooth after accidentally falling down. When it comes to you and your family’s health, you don’t want to take any risks. It is always better to plan ahead to ensure optimal oral health.
Not all dental practices provide emergency dental care. It is a wise step to carefully select a qualified and experienced dentist who provides a variety of dental services including emergency dental care so that you can be assured that you are in safe hands. You should look for the following qualities while picking an emergency dentist:
1. Accessibility
You don’t want to travel for hours when you have a dental emergency. Time is an important factor when considering the outcome or prognosis of a dental emergency. So, look for a clinic that is nearby your home or workplace. Moreover, you should be able to easily reach the clinic by car or public transportation. Check the working hours of the dental practice you are considering while selecting an emergency dentist. Some clinics are open late in the evening, and a few may be accessible on the weekends.
2. Qualifications
Dental emergencies frequently warrant specialized care. Tissue lacerations, jaw fractures, tooth avulsion or severe oral bleeding may occur in an unlikely event. A qualified and experienced dentist can diagnose the condition and take the proper steps at the correct time. Ask about the qualifications of the dentist. You should verify if he/she has an accredited dental license and has done special educative courses with respect to diagnosis and management of dental emergencies. An oral emergency can even be life-threatening, so your emergency dentist needs to be qualified to handle such a situation.
3. Experience
As discussed above, it is important to choose an experienced dentist to take care of your oral cavity during a dental emergency. Check if your prospective emergency dentist has successfully treated complicated dental emergencies before. You ask for referrals from your friends, family members, and colleagues. Moreover, you can always gather relevant information from the internet (such as Google or Bing) to verify the experience. Visit the website of the dentist and view the portfolio of treated cases and patient reviews. You can get an overview of whether the dentist is capable of handling emergency situations.
Moreover, reviews on the internet, especially on social media sites are easy to find. You can read the experience of other patients and get a feel for the quality of dental care provided by your prospective oral practice.
4. Range of Dental Services
Dental emergencies may require a variety of oral treatment. You may need a tooth extraction, filling, and root canal procedure at the same time. It is better to know the range of dental services provided by your emergency dentist beforehand. You don’t want to stress yourself when an emergency strikes by knowing that your dentist does not provide the dental treatment indicated in your case.
Again, you can browse the dental website of your dentist to know the dental services provided by the practice. Moreover, it is always better to ask questions and to stay informed about important issues like dental emergencies. So, you can call the clinic and ask about the dental treatments given at their place, their protocol for treating dental emergencies, the do’s and don’ts of care during dental emergencies and other doubts you may have.
Small things that can help you while selecting an emergency dentist:
Don’t wait for a dental emergency to arise and then search the internet or call your friends to inquire about an emergency dentist. Do your research in advance. Avoid loopholes by following the ‘Qualities Checklist’ mentioned above, while selecting an emergency dentist.
In dentistry, successful treatment is the combined effort of the entire dental team – the dentist, dental assistants, receptionist and other members. Anyone can spot a difference between the quality of care provided by an amateur dental team and the one given by an experienced team. Take a tour of the clinic and check if the assistants are trained for handling dental emergencies.
Routine Checkups
Many dentists who provide general and specialized dental services, also accept patients with dental emergencies. So, you can choose a dental care provider whom you can visit for your regular check-up and for a dental emergency. Having a single care provider helps to prevent the hassle that might be encountered during the treatment of a dental emergency.
Let Us Help You!
At Sanford Dental Excellence, we offer a wide range of services for people of all age-groups. Please feel free to contact us for routine as well as emergency dental care. Dr. George Mitrogogos makes it a point to address and solve the dental emergency cases immediately. We will not make you wait for ages as we know how painful a dental emergency can be.
In the case of a dental emergency, if possible, we request that you call in advance. This will allow us to inform you about the precautions and the pre-care that you can take. You will receive optimum treatment from our skilled dental professional, Dr. Mitrogogos. Whether you have severe tooth pain, jaw fracture, oral swelling, oral bleeding, lost crown, lost filling, broken denture, knocked-out tooth, object stuck between your teeth, soft tissue injury or any other dental emergency, we will be happy to help you. Call us today at 407-794-4162!
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